Welcome to Goodwin Frazier Elementary

Welcome to Goodwin Frazier Elementary - where your child's success is our top priority! Our school is dedicated to providing a safe and empowering learning environment where high standards of behavior and education are celebrated. We focus on each student's unique potential and offer opportunities for them to excel and stand out as individuals. 

We value the involvement of parents and our community, whether it's in-person or virtual. We believe that constant involvement keeps the love of learning alive. At Goodwin Frazier, we offer extended learning hours and a variety of opportunities for students to exceed state standards and reach their full potential. 

Our main focus is on meeting the needs of every student, especially those at risk. We have effective intervention systems and specialized programs to support them. Our school's culture and climate are the foundation of our strength, and we take pride in our safety and well-being measures, recognized by our community. 

Join us at Goodwin Frazier Elementary and together, we can create a successful education journey for your child!

Pricelda Delgado
Principal, GFES