Tradition of Going Gold for Childhood Cancer Awareness Continues Comal ISD has a tradition of Going Gold every September in honor of Childhood Cancer Awareness, and that tradition continues this year.
Hoffmann Lane Teachers Say 'Hello' and 'Goodbye' in Original Rap Video The new art teacher at Hoffmann Lane Elementary knew he had big shoes to fill when took the job, so he decided to include his beloved predecessor in his unique rap video introduction. It worked, and the two bonded over their love for art education.
Keep Tabs on Your Child’s Grades with Skyward Let Skyward help you keep tabs on your child's progress in school.
Hill Country College Preparatory: Second School of Choice Opens Doors The district's second high school of choice opened its doors this year with an excited group of freshman students ready to create memories and establish traditions.
Helping Parents Become More AWARE of the Issues Their Children Face Through the new AWARE Family Information Center, parents and guardians now have resources to learn more about the issues and trends that may be impacting their child’s life as well as their family’s life.
Remember to Complete a Health Screener Each Day As Comal ISD returns to on-campus instruction, students and visitors will be required to complete the COVID-19 health screener each day.
Registration Now Open for SACC After School Care Having trouble finding affordable after school child care? SACC may be your solution. Register now.
School Hours, Changing In order to gain four extra surplus days and move to a three-tier transportation system, Comal ISD is adding 10 minutes to the school day.
Recent Canyon High Grad Receives Inaugural GritGrant Award A recent Comal ISD graduate has been honored for his "can-do" attitude and perseverance with a $2,500 grant.
Elementary Graduates Receive American Legion Award The American Legion Program gives teachers and staff the opportunity to recognize students who exemplify the six qualities that define character. The honor is not only given to graduating seniors and eighth graders. It is also given to graduating fifth graders.